Tips to Avoid Pedestrian Accidents and Injury

The personal injury lawyers at the Law Offices of Daniel Vega are deeply invested in helping to reduce the pedestrian accident rate here in the Bay Area. Whether you recently got injured in a crash at an intersection – due to driver error, jaywalking, or an unusual combination of factors – or you’re just looking to improve your safe walking IQ, here are 3 tips to memorize. Continue reading

4 San Francisco Motorcycle Safety Tips

Avoiding Bay Area Motorcycle Accidents

San Francisco motorcycle accident lawyer Daniel Vega and his team understand that crashes take a toll not just on victims but also on families of injured people. So what can riders do to be safer on the road and reduce their likelihood for getting into serious injury crashes? Here are four important insights. Continue reading

San Francisco Personal Injury Claim: Whiplash

Personal Injury from a San Francisco Auto Accident

Victims in auto crashes, slip and falls, sports injuries, and workplace accidents often experience a horrific condition known as whiplash. This soft tissue ailment afflicts thousands of people in San Francisco and beyond, and it typically shows up after car accidents and falls. Continue reading

What Causes Bay Area Commercial Truck Accidents?

Protecting Yourself From San Francisco Truck Accidents

You or someone you love got hurt in a commercial truck accident. You’re searching for a San Francisco injury attorney, perhaps because an insurance company is giving you the run around.

To make sense of what happened, you need to find out the root cause of your accident with the truck.

Eighteen wheelers and other large commercial trucks can cause astonishingly devastation. A truck that weighs 24 tons that crashes into your vehicle at 60 miles per hour imparts as much force as a 2.4 ton sedan would impart if it hit you at 600 miles per hour! Continue reading

How Common Are Bay Area Bicycle Accidents?

From: a San Francisco Bicycle Accident Lawyer

A typical Bay Area bicycle accident lawyer can quickly rattle off disturbing statistics about bike crashes in the San Francisco, Bay Area. For instance, in 2010, 618 people lost their lives in bike crashes in the U.S. That marked a major decrease (believe it or not) from the 1995 fatality numbers (830). Continue reading

San Francisco Employment Lawyer Reviews 2013 California Labor Laws

Important Laws for Bay Area Employers and Employees

One of the challenges that any San Francisco employment lawyer faces is the challenge of educating clients about ever-changing legal rules.

On January 1, 2013, a variety of new laws went into effect in the Golden State. They pertain to diverse areas, including worker access to records, employee social media, and anti-discrimination issues. The 2013 laws also specifically impact farm labor and temp employees. Continue reading