Tag Archives: employee

Oakland Lawyer on All-To-Often Overlooked Business Etiquette Rules

Oakland Lawyer Shares Simple Etiquette Tips for Business Professionals

Oakland Lawyer Business Etiquette Rules

Navigating the do’s and don’ts of today’s business environment can be tricky and counter-intuitive. Dialogue and dress that might have been acceptable decades ago may come off as stodgy or even offensive in today’s offices. At the same time, being too formal can alienate coworkers or clients, especially those who operate slick, progressive Silicon Valley tech companies run by elegantly modest figures in the mold of Elon Musk and Steve Jobs. Continue reading

San Francisco Employment Lawyer Reviews 2013 California Labor Laws

Important Laws for Bay Area Employers and Employees

One of the challenges that any San Francisco employment lawyer faces is the challenge of educating clients about ever-changing legal rules.

On January 1, 2013, a variety of new laws went into effect in the Golden State. They pertain to diverse areas, including worker access to records, employee social media, and anti-discrimination issues. The 2013 laws also specifically impact farm labor and temp employees. Continue reading

What Employees are Covered Under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a powerful federal law that provides some (but not all) employees with the ability to take up to 12 weeks off (unpaid) and still be able to keep their jobs and medical benefits. Continue reading

What Documentation Can Help Wage Loss After an Accident?

Wage Loss Claim Tips

image source: constructioninformer.com

Perhaps you got injured in a Bay Area car accident while delivering a product or driving to a sales convention. Or maybe you hurt yourself at work or suffered a chronic injury (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, tennis elbow, etc.). In any case, you want to preserve and protect your ability to file a wage loss claim.

What documentation should you collect and preserve to maximize your chances? Continue reading

What’s the San Francisco Governmental Sick Leave Policy?

If you are a San Francisco worker (or employer), you are probably already at least vaguely familiar with the ballot initiative passed in 2006 that guarantees workers paid sick days. This law, which was supported by nearly two-thirds of voters in the city, provides critical support for workers who fall ill. Per the law, for every 30 hours you work, you get to accumulate one hour of paid sick time. If you work for a small business, with 10 or fewer employees, you can accrue five full days of paid sick time annually. If you work at a larger company, you can accrue even more sick days – up to nine annually. Continue reading

Is An Employer Obligated to Pay for Unauthorized Overtime?

Yes, California law requires that employers pay overtime, whether authorized or not, at the rate of one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of eight up to and including 12 hours in any workday, and for the first eight hours of work on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek, and double the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 12 in any workday and for all hours worked in excess of eight on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek. Continue reading