Tag Archives: auto accident lawyer

Accident Attorney Considers Legal Questions Raised by Self Driving Cars

San Francisco Auto Accident Lawyer Discusses Ethics and Who’s At Fault in Self-Driving Car Scenario


Multiple manufacturers, including Tesla, Mercedes and Apple, are preparing to release self-driving cars in the next few years. Telsa’s ambitious parallel proposal to transform the industry and stoke a revolution in electric vehicles also promises to reshape how Americans relate to their automobiles.

Although the unveiling of self-driving vehicles potentially offers numerous benefits for drivers and pedestrians, this shift also raises important legal questions for accident lawyers.
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When an Injury Attorney Can Help in a Car Accident Case

How to Ensure Just Compensation with Help from a Bay Area Injury Attorney

San Francisco car accident lawyer

Whether a truck lurched into your lane on the 101, or some teenager texting on his mobile phone plowed into you at an intersection, you’re confused, overwhelmed and possibly even physically traumatized by the crash. In the wake of what happened, you may find yourself stunned and wondering what to do next. Should you call an auto accident lawyer, or should you just deal with this on your own with the other driver and the insurance company? Continue reading

Step-by-Step Guide: What to Do When You’re in An Auto Accident

Personal Injury Lawyer’s Tips for Regaining Control After an Accident


Nothing is quite as scary as being involved in an auto accident. The shock, the noise and the pain can create enduring trauma and challenge your mental health. However, take it from an auto accident lawyer, the actions you take in the moments and days immediately following the incident can affect your future dramatically. For this reason, it is important to put aside your fear after an accident occurs and follow these steps: Continue reading