Do I Have the Right to File a Lawsuit Against a Third Party?

If you or a family member was recently hurt at a job or at a work site in Northern California, you might be entitled to more than just workers’ compensation benefits!

Depending on what happened, you could also have the right to file a lawsuit against a third party that either caused or indirectly contributed to what happened to you. Unfortunately, many injured victims never learn about this option. And even when they understand that it might be available, they often fail to pursue it because their workers’ comp attorney lacks the capacity or know-how to follow through.

Acting swiftly to preserve evidence and keep options open

Whether you suffered an acute chemical exposure at a plant, hurt your back due to the shoddy workmanship of a third party, or got clapped on the back of the head due to sub-standard safety practices, you may need to act in haste to preserve options to file a third party claim.

  • Evidence from the scene could disappear;
  • People involved in the accident (or who witnessed or reported on it) could forget details or even change their stories;
  • Any liable product manufacturer, builder, landlord, or other party may use your “slowness” to build a stout, fortress-like defense to your possible charges.

Making sense of the confusion – a trusted resource for Northern California third-party claims

The team here at The Law Offices of Daniel Vega we can compassionately, thoroughly answer your questions about your injury. We can make the compensation journey as stress free and seamless as possible. Connect with us now online for an immediate, confidential, free evaluation of your case.